
RSS Feed - Object

RSS Feed objects can be added into your administration system, configured to broadcast any specified updates.

This Help Resource explains the RSS Feed object its properties and use in the XPOR back end.

Where to put your RSS Feed?

In your XPOR Back End, you can add an RSS feed under a Website Folder object or a Web Site object.  Browse to your chosen location and add a new object - select RSS Feed.

RSS Feed is a core object type.  The Object Structure of the RSS Feed object type comprises the following properties;


This is the point from which you want the RSS feed to "pay attention" - i.e. every new item added beneath this point will potentially trigger an RSS Feed alert.  Typically you will select a News Feed Folder as the RootObjectId.  Then, when a new news item is added and published under the News Folder, the RSS feed will generate an update for Subscribed Users.


This drop down allows you to select from the entire list of object types in your system.  If one of the selected object types (for example News Article) is created under the Root Object Id, then the RSS Feed will alert subscribed users by email.


The email that is generated to alert subscribed users of a new item having been published includes a link to a web page.  This web page will be configured (see below) with selected details concerning the object that has been newly added (e.g. News Item).  So, when the subscribed user receives their notification email, with its link, they click the link and visit the web page.


This check box will look for the target object type recursively beneath the RootObject. 


This will control whether the published status of the target object type is considered before including in the feed xml.  If set to yes, a target object type must be "published" before it will be included in the feed.

Cachce Expiration Time

The number of minutes that the RSSFeed object will wait until it checks if a new published / target object type has been added under the RootObjectId.  We recommend 60 minutes.


The URL to access the NewsFeed XML.  This will be the combination of the parent domain name plus the URL set on the RSSFeed. e.g. www.website.com (taken from the website config object) /website-rss-feed (taken form the RSSFeed URLs list)


The selected target object type property that will be used as the Subject Line of the news / Feed item in its notification email. 


The selected target object type property that will be used as the Description of the news / Feed item in its notification email.

Display Page

Select the page that the RSS Feed will take the User to, when they click the RSS Feed link.  For example this will be the News Article detail page.

Page Details - Include in Site Menus

This option allows you to inclue the RSS Feed page in any Site menus it may be a child of. 

 Page Details - Include in Site Maps

This option allows you to inclue the RSS Feed page in any Sitemaps that XPOR is generating for you (see Site Maps Help Resource)

Page Details - Alternate Name

This option allows you to provide an alternative URL - in case the URL you have for the RSS Feed page selected above is not suitable for your RSS feed.


The default URL is created automatically.You can Add / Edit URLs for this and set a default.