Clones or Versions - what's the difference?

Published on: 29/05/2023

XPOR has version management built into its core.  Versioning is a means of updating an object, as a new version.  Whilst the new version is being updated, the old version is still available to the users.

This feature is used in many circumstances, when the legacy of change is not so important.  For example an object is created and used by users for a period of time.  The data it presents is valid - BUT it is decided it should be reviewed and possibly updated.

In this instance we can create a new "version" of the object.  Then modify the New Version and eventually update the old version to the new, by simply changing the "live" version setting.

As an alternative approach, it is possible to "Clone" the old object to an entirely new object - and process the Clone with the updates.

Both methods work, though the Clone method involves new objects being created and managed, which may involve a little more work for the administrator.