
Role Permissions

For example, if you work for one of our Clients and you are one of the people working for that company who can add new Work Requests, then we would (naturally) associate you to your company as “Client Contact”.  So we would first use System Modeller to set up the “Client” object type so that the XPOR understands that this object type can be used as a “Permissions Control” container (like “Groups” can be!).  This is an option shown under the Object Type – select it and build the Object Type.

Object Option Permissions Control Container

Then, using the Tools tab and “Add Association Type”, create a new Association Type of “Client Contact”.

Association Type

But, more than most simple Association Types, we are going to use this association type as a ROLE.  i.e. everybody who is associated to the Company as a Client Contact will be able to use the Work Request Forum.

To enable this Association Type as  Role, we select the Option “Is Role”;

ROLE option Association Type

Now we open the Object Type “Client” in System Modeller and add the new association between the Client Object and the basic Contact object type;

Add Association to Object Type

Apply this and the Model is now ready to be used on the website, where we log in and find a “Client” object.

Returning to the website (admin page in this case) we can add your contact as the “Client Contact” to your organisation

Set up the Association to Contact

Finally we will find your Work Request Forum and add ROLE permissions, to enable every contact association to your organisation as Client Contact can contribute.

Add Role type Permission


The first part to setting up a Role Permission is to select the object that holds the Roles – in our case the Client object called “Webree”.

Select Source Permission Container

Selecting this object opens up a selection box, showing all of the Permissions Control Containers in the system.  Not that many of them.

The one we want is the “Client” object;

Select Source Container 2

By selecting this Permissions Container, we are now provided with Role Associations that have been set up for this Object Type (Client).  We will select the required “Client Contact” Role association;

Select Role Association

Clicking the Save button adds the Role permission  to the Work Request Forum.  Note that Roles have a different icon,  

Set Permissions

Simple enough now to edit the Permissions, to enable all Contacts that are associated to your Organisation as “Client Contact” to be able to read, contribute and modify posts on your Work Request Forum.  And no need for “what was it called” groups to be managed!