Order Type objects can be created under either a Folder or a Managed Event. A created Order Type object will take you to this editor:
The details pane is separated into two sections: Settings and Emails. Under the Settings tab you'll find the fields used to manage Orders:
- Invoice Prefix: This is used when a customer buys a product and you send them an invoice. You can use this field to add a pre-set message (or just a prefix) to the invoice that is sent out by e-mail, by using a content repeater. (Continue reading for how to select the e-mail to use. For info on content repeaters, see the relevant help resource)
- Email Account - when a customer places an order, a confirmation e-mail is sent to them; this field designates an account in your system to send that e-mail from. A good idea is to simply select the admin account.
- Google Analytics - if you'd like to apply Google's SEO features to your ecommerce system, check this box.
- Currency - select the base currency for your orders.
- Total Purchased - here you'll see the total amount of money that has come in from orders. This is a non-editable field that updates whenever a new order comes in.
With these basics set up, you'll also want to have customers be sent an e-mail for making an order of this Type - so the Emails section is where you'd add these in. You'll need some E-mail objects, so see the relevant help resource if you need help constructing these.
- Order Awaiting Payment Email - if an order is left pending payment, then this e-mail is sent out to the customer to inform them of any payments due.
- Order Successful Email - this will be sent out upon a completed order going through successfully, and will ideally contain the details of the order for the customer to keep, along with any extra information you wish to have on it.
- Order Cancelled Email - in the same vein, this notifies the customer that their order was cancelled.
- Product Waiting List Email - if a customer wants to buy an out-of-stock item and chooses to add themselves to the waiting list for the item, this e-mail is sent to them notifying that they have done this successfully.
Those are your details set up! The next step is to move on to the objects that you'll be associating with your Order Type, as there are a few things here that you need to do.
Child Objects of Order Type
Your Order Type object will be used across your Ecommerce system - and this includes, naturally, the Checkout atom. So there are a few different objects that you'll want to associate with your Order Type, so that they work smoothly with this atom. These are Payment Gateways and Shipping Methods.
Payment Gateways
Payment Gateway objects are the different methods of payment that a customer can select - such as credit card or cheque. Payment Gateway objects can be created directly under the Order Type object. Make sure that it is being created as a child of the Order Type object. Once it's created, follow this help resource to set up the gateway details. You can create more than one Payment Gateway object under your Order Type; it will automatically allow the customer to select which one to use.
Shipping Method
Similarly, you create this directly under the Order Type object and then fill out the details of shipping (see this help resource).