Email Object
Email Objects are very useful for when you want to send the same email to a large group of people e.g. a mailing list or newsletter. Once you have created an Email Object click the Email tab on the Object interface and you will be presented with this screen.
1: Subject From Title - If this box is checked then the email's subject will be set as the name of the email. If this is not ticked then the Subject field (2) will appear.
2: Subject - This field only appears if Subject From Title is not ticked. This Field allows you to type in what you want the subject of the email to be.
3: Content Type - This determines what method you use to make the content of the email. This also determines what shows up in the 2nd section in this tab.
A: HTML - This will allow you to edit the email as a HTML webpage which means that you can add style sheets, images and you have more control over the links. If this is chosen then this will present the Advanced Email options (5 & 6).
B: Plain Text - This has less formatting options than HTML and is just the plain text. If this is chosen it will change the 2nd section to the following section. If you want to change the text click on the drop down arrow or click on the X to delete it all.
4: Priority - This sets the priority order that XPOR will measure when it is sending emails. E.g. a high priority email is prioritised to send over a normal priority email.
5: Template - This is the Web Page Template Object that the HTML email will use.
6: Website - This is the domain that the email will use for the HTML email page
7: URL Tab - The URL Tab contains the URL for this email object. The default URL will be based on the Object name but can be edited by right clicking on the URL and selecting edit.
8: Edit Page - This button will take you to the HTML page of the email in edit mode.
When writing an email you will most likely want it to be tailored to the person you are sending it to. A useful way to do this is to use their name in the email which can be done by putting [!User#Forenames!] where you want to use their name. The User part of this function corresponds to the Contact Object that the email is being sent to e.g. if the contact is James Bond then this will display James when being sent to that contact. You can amend this function by changing Forenames to whichever property of the Contact object you want such as Job Title, Known As or Default Email Address.