
Core Theme


  • Colour Settings

    • Background Colour
      Used as the default background colour for atoms, and a calculated 20% darker colour is used as default for buttons and borders.

    • Foreground Colour
      Used as the default colour for the fonts and the headings.

    • Heading Colour
      Overrides the default heading colour for H1 through to H6 with the selected colour.

    • Button Colour
      Overrides the default button colour.
      The button’s border is set to 10% darker than the implemented colour

    • Border Colour
      Overrides the border colour of any html input field (text, text area, password, etc) by the selected colour.

    • Shade Fields
      If selected it shades the background of any html input field (text, text area, password, etc) by the background colour through to a calculated 20% darker colour.


  • Font Settings

    • Font Size
      The default font size for the website.
      Also used to calculate the sizes for each of the headings based off the Header 1 font size (see below for proportions.).  The Header 1 font size is 2.25 times the standard font size by default.

    • Font
      The default font family for the website.

    • Line Height
      Overrides the default line height.
      Line height is the vertical space each line of text takes up.  Therefore a 14px font will have at least 16px line height to ensure a small amount of vertical space between the lines.  If the line height is increased it tends to make the text more legible.

    • Header 1 Font Size
      Overrides the default Header 1 font size set from the standard font size.  All other header font sizes are proportional to this size:
  • H2 = 89% of H1
  • H3 = 78% of H1
  • H4 = 67% of H1
  • H5 = 56% of H1
  • H6 = 50% of H1


  • Sizing

    • Base Padding
      The amount of padding, in pixels, that each standardised element that has been defined to have padding, is set to by default

    • Curves Enabled
      For standardised elements that can be set to have rounded corners (buttons, containers, etc) this turns that option on or off.  The amount of curve is defined as a multiple (x2) of the padding selected as “Base Padding”.


  • Options

    • Atom Background A
      This style’s background colour defaults to a 40% calculated darker version of the background colour

    • Atom Background B
      This style’s background colour defaults to a 60% calculated darker version of the background colour