
Sharing atom and Social Buttons

Setup Prerequisite Steps

The first prerequisite step is creating a 'Social Profile' object. This is effectively a special folder for all the Social Profile accounts/objects. You can add in / connect any of the Social Accounts you want to use in this "Profile".

Atom Setup

Click on the Atom (once added to the web page) and the following configuration form is presented.

Social Profile

This is the Social Profile to be used as the source for the buttons.  Depending on the Social Accounts that are added to the Social profile, the Atom will automatically present matching icons, to provide the clck to share.

Pixels Between Buttons

This is the number of pixels to spce out the Share buttons.

Query String

If you don't want the comment to be about the web page - but the article / object on the web page, then you need to tell the Facebook Comments Atom.  To do this you simply type into the Query String "object", as seen below.  This will configure the Atom to use the focussed on objectid - not its' presenting web page.

FaceBook Comments Atom Query

You have now completed the addition and configuration of the Sharing atom. That is the completion of the configuration for the Sharing Atom Type;

Share Atom in action 

How Shares are recorded / presented

When a site visitor finds something on a website that they want to share across their Social Media accounts, they can click the matching button.  This will capture the specific web page details and take the user to their selected Social Account.  If they are already logged into their Social Account, then the Share will simply require a confirmation.  If they are not logged in, then they will do so - and again the share is simply a "confirm".

Just carry them to the users individual "shares" from one of the buttons a log is recorded. This log can be viewed on either the social provider that was used to share it and the 'Social Profile' that provider is under. It logs details such as the page it was shared from, the user and the source of it.