
Object Modeller Queries

Modeller will help you create the Query, by showing you the available associations and objects types at each turn.

The attached video demonstrates the process.

Building a Query with Object Modeller

Like all aspects of Object Modeller, the first thing to do when creating a Query is to give it a Name and Description.  Apply this new Query, to create a new Query Guid and and prepare it for the next stage.

Describing the Query Path

The Query modeller interface will now have the query path ready to build.  In the screenshot below we have circled it in Red.  We will build this and then look at the other features the Query designer is providing;

Building the Query Path 1

The query path starts of with a a blank entry for the Child object association.  Generally you can ignore this and simply select the first object you want to come back in the query.  In our example we wanted to see the Authors of Documents.  So we will start with Documents and see what this gives us.  Click the drop down and find the object type "Document".

Object Modeller Query designer 2

When selected - click the "+ Add New" button, shown below.  Query Modeller will look at the Document Object and provide the association types that it can have, so you can select the association type you want to follow from the Document.

Object Modeller Query Designer 4 

We are looking to follow the path, Document -> Contact by type "Author".  So we will select the Association Type "Author(s)".