
Open URL function Action

Open URL Function

The Action Designer provides ability to open a new web page, together with carrying the selected details of the object that is being actions.  For example, if a list of documents is being presented to the User in a Grid From, then we could put a Double-click Action on the Grids rows, to open a new web page with the Documents properties available for Content Repeating.

The screenshot below shows the options available for Open URL;

 Action Designer Open URL Action


Configure the Action Designer to understand which Object ID is being carried with the "click" - it could be the Forms Field, the Grid Row, a URL Parameter or a Data Source Variable.

Language Id

If the XPOR object type has been configured for multi-language, then this option will take the selected Forms Field, Grid Row, URL Parameter or Data Source Variable and use it as the Language ID.  This is used to maintain a single language as the User browses a Multi-language form structure

Version Id

If the XPOR object type has been configured for versioning (object modeller setting), then this option will take the selected Forms Field, Grid Row, URL Parameter or Data Source Variable and use it as the Version ID.  By default the action designer will take the latest published version.  This Action setting enable you to control the Action to occur on a differnt Version.

Record UID

If the Action is to occur on a sub table property of an Object, then this option will take the selected value from either the Forms Field, Grid Row, URL Parameter or Data Source Variable and carry it forward as part of the URL.


The URL is typed into the text box as /printreports?objectid=[!OBJECTID!]&Language=[!LANGUAGEID!]&VERSION=[!VERSIONID!]&RecordUID=[!RECORDUID!], for each option that has been set.  This will then be added to the end of the current website domain, automatically, to give a working URL e.g.


URL Parameter

The Option to select the URL Parameter (instead of the Grid Row or Foms key for example) is where the Action Designer can interrogate the parameter names used on a web page - to extract an objectID.

For example, in the case above (http://www.domainame.tld/printreports?objectid=123456&Language=3&VERSION=2&RecordUID=321 ) - if we select the URL Parameter option for the ObjectID and then type in the URL Parameter Name to be OBJECTID, then XPOR Action Designer will read the URL and extract the OBJECTID in the URL as 123456 (in the example above).

Action Designer will then use the ObjectId 123456 in its next Action.