
Radio Group

Setting up the Control

When adding a Radio Group to a form it needs to be positioned under a "Field Set Container" that is under a "Form".

Once added there are a few options to set up the Control, these are:

1) Data Binding: This is where you set up the binding to the field on the object that you want to effect.

2) Field Label: The name that will appear next to the Radio Group.

3) Field Width: The width in pixels that the Radio Group will display, 0 is 100%.

4) Read Only: When set to True you cant change the values in this field.

5) Tool Tip Text: If text is in this field a white "i" in a blue circle will appear and when moused over the tooltip will appear. 

6) Enum: This is the Constant set that is rendered. It is set by default when you select a databinding but it is possible tyo change if you require different values.

 Radio Group Control