
Connecting Object Modeller to an XPOR Installation

This Help Resource and attached video explains how the Object Modeller tool is subsequently connected to the web server / XPOR installation concerned.  Note, Object Modeller is not restricted to the number of XPOR Installations it can be connected to.  If you have purchased more than one XPOR installation Licence, you can connect your one Object Modeller to all / any of your installations.

The pre-cursor to this Help Resource is to have installed the Object Modeller Tool - covered in a separate Help Resource.

IMPORTANT NOTE - For Trial Versions

XPOR will remember your configuration settings - but only if you permit it to with the instructions below;

  1. Use the Installer Link and download the software to your desktop.
  2. Double-click to install
  3. Install
  4. Browse your PC to C:\Program Files (x86)\Webree.com Ltd\X5 System Modeller and locate settings.config.xml and set the permissions on it to your local account
  5. Be prepared for the ocassional update notice from us!

This note is not relevant to the Full Release version, which performs the permissions setting as part of the installation process. 

This will have installed your XPOR Object Modeller!  Now you need to connect it to your on-line XPOR Installation/s.

XPOR Installations

When you purchase an XPOR, you will have rights to use Object Modeller, connected to an XPOR database driven web service - your XPOR Installation.  The rights granted you under the terms of the Licence will explain what you can do with the XPOR Installation.  Connecting Object Modeller to this installation will enable you to design your own service, not just use existing objects and the XPOR cms.

If you purchase a second licence, you will be provided with a second, separate database driven web service.  Although entirely separate, [possibly on a different physical server, you will be able to connect your Object Modeller software to both installations - and manage them both separately from the same Modeller. 

As separate Installations, however, there can be no cross use of Objects, forms etc. The things made in one Installation cannot be accessed from another.

Connecting to an XPOR Installation

To connect to an XPOR installation you will need both the URL to connect to the XPOR installation and an account log in - an XPOR account that is enabled with Modeller Rights.

You should keep these details safe!  There is no recycle / recovery of changes made with Object Modeller.  If a malicious or incapable person uses modeller, connected with authority to an XPOR installation, and they delete / change things, the consequences to your service are obvious.

Open your Object Modeller software and click the Connection icon, to open the Connection Manager;

Connection Manager Link

Under your installation List - click the "+ Add Installation" button to open the Installation From;

New Installation

Give your installation a Name (!) such as "Online site team management service" - i.e. the service you are about to provide with XPOR.

If you are not using SSL security on your XPOR web service, then you can connect your Modeller to your URL, using the Installation URL box.  For example http://x5.xpor.com.

Now add in your Username and Password for your service.  Your Account must be Modeller enabled;

Object Modeller Account Status 

NOTE: When an authorised member of your staff leaves your organisation it is highly recommended that you;

  1. Effect a password reset on all admin Enabled, Modeller Enabled and CMS Enabled accounts
  2. Set the departed persons account to the status Disabled - and reset their password.


If your installation uses SSL security (highly recommended) you will need to appropriate a security certificate to the Installation.  This will stop Object Modeller from working with the Installation.  To fix this you will need to add a further URL to the website, for Modeller to connect with - for example http://modeller.xpor.com, intended solely for the purpose of connecting Object Modeller.

This is recommended practice, to reduce the risk of other people "working out" how to connect to your XPOR installation.  Also, when admin staff leave your organisation, or you have any other concerns, you can effect this change immediately.

Test Connection and Save

Having completed your installation connection details you can now test the connection, using the Test Connection button.  Happy?  Then Save the installation.

The installation will now be listed in the Installations list.  You will also see the Installation listed in the Drop down Connection every time you start your Object Modeller.